Makassar – Protesters from the Greater Gowa branch of the Islamic Student Association (HMI) held a demonstration on Monday June 6 to oppose Government Regulation (PP) Number 21/2024 on Public Housing Savings (Tapera) in which they closed the Trans Sulawesi highway from late afternoon through to
Documents containing the term 'Nadiem Makarim'
Jakarta – The commemoration of the National Education Day (Hardiknas) this year was marked by a number of demonstrations by students and social organisations (ormas) in different parts of the country.
Jakarta – The Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace is asking Education, Culture, Research and Technology Minister Nadiem Makarim to take firm action against state schools forcing students to wear the jilbab – an Islamic female headdress which leaves the face exposed.
Fitria Chusna Farisa, Jakarta – A number of Onward Indonesia Cabinet ministers own fantastic amounts of wealth.
Jakarta – The chairperson of the country's peak Islamic body, the Indonesia Ulama Council (MUI), Cholil Nafis, is asked for the removal of problematic articles in the Education, Culture, Research and Technology Minister's (Permendikbudristek) Regulation Number 30/2021 on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Violence on Higher Education Institutions.
Jakarta – The move by Education, Culture, Research and Technology Minister Nadiem Makarim to issue a ministerial regulation to prevent and overcome sexual violence at higher education institutions has generated a polemic.
Jakarta – President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's visit to the Eleven March University (UNS) in the Central Java city of Solo on Monday September 13 was marred by the arrest of several students. They were taken away by police after putting up critical posters on the side of a road that Widodo was to pass by.
Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia says that the government cannot just issue a joint ministerial decree (SKB) on uniforms in state schools. The decree must be followed by revoking the 2006 joint ministerial decree on establishing houses of worship.
Jakarta – Hundreds of students from the Jakarta United Student Movement (GMJB) Alliance held a demonstration in front of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) building on Jl Jenderal Sudirman in Central Jakarta on Thursday July 2.
Jakarta – The Women’s Movement Alliance held a silent protest against sexual violence on campus at the Ministry of Education and Culture in South Jakarta on Monday February 10.
Waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waaa!